Infrastructure & Facilities
The Department of Computer Science has six independent computer laboratories having more than 580 latest configuration computers in all, supported by all necessary compatible softwares, on-line servers, UPS, Scanners & Printers. The IT Workshop provides an ideal place to the students to learn about the hardware part of computer systems. The department has more than required space to conduct classes and practical for the students.The department faculty members are working in the research areas of computer networks , distributed systems, data base,data mining,aritificial intelligence techniques and applications. The CSE laboratories have been set up with an estimated cost of more than Rs.1.75crores. Systems are provided with high speed internet facility. ECE LABORATORIES The Department of ECE has well established laboratories in Electronic Circuit analysis, microprocessors, Digital Signal Processing, Microwave, communications, Pulse & digital circuits and Digital integrated circuits. The department faculty members have specialization in Digital signal processing, microprocessor & communication engineering. The department has latest software like E-CAD(VHDL), MASM, MULTISIM and MATLAB installed for multi user application for students. |
Library facilities

Auditorium / Seminar Halls / Amphi


Indoor/Outdoor Sports facilities